Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) under the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (Office of Science)
Project Team Members:
Northwestern University
The HDF Group
- Quincey Koziol
- Gerd Herber
Argonne National Laboratory
North Carolina State University
- Nagiza Samatova
- Sriram Lakshminarasimhan
Data model for Community Atmosphere Model (CAM)
This is based on a datafile from Rob Jacob (ANL), generated by CAM.
Note, in the description below, for dimension "dim", number of values given for dim is denoted as #dim. Also, values for a vector, e.g. for x, are given as e.g. "x[] = lat[IMIN..IMAX-1],lat[IMAX]=lat[IMAX-1]+dx, meaning that x has the same values as lat for the first IMAX-IMIN values, then for the last value it is lat[IMAX-1]+dx.
The numbers of the major sections correspond to those given in the description in DataModel. The fact that they appear out of order means that maybe we should change the order in which the various sections in the data model are described.
The header information from original data file is attached (scroll down to bottom for link).
- lat/64 --> dimensions handle hd1
- lon/128 --> dimensions handle hd2
- lev/26 --> dimensions handle hd3
- ilev/27 --> dimensions handle hd4
- isccp_prs/7 --> dimensions handle hd5
- isccp_tau/7 --> dimensions handle hd6
- isccp_prstau/49 --> dimensions handle hd7
- time/UNLIMITED) --> dimensions handle hd8
- tbnd/2 --> dimensions handle hd9
- chars/8 --> dimensions handle hd10
Dimensions values: vectors of data, one per dimension, 1d array of dimension length.
- lat: degrees_north --> units handle hu1
- lon: degrees_east --> units handle hu2
- lev, ilev: level --> units handle hu3
- isccp_prs: mb (milibars) --> units handle hu4
- isccp_tau: (none) --> units handle hu5
- isccp_prstau: mb/1000 --> units handle hu6
- time, tbnd: days since 0000-09-01 00:00:00 --> units handle hu7
- pressure: Pa --> units handle hu8
- seconds: s --> units handle hu9 ( note 4)
- fraction: f --> units handle hu10
- massflux: mflux (kg/1/0, m/0/2, s/0/1) --> units handle-- --hu11
Structured vertex block:
IMIN/IMAX=0/#lat; JMIN/JMAX=0/#lon; KMIN/KMAX=0/#ilev-1;
x[] = lat[IMIN..IMAX-1],lat[IMAX]=lat[IMAX-1]+dx
y[] = lon[JMIN..JMAX-1],lon[JMAX]=lon[JMAX-1]+dy
z[] = ilev[KMIN..KMAX-1]
periodic = [true, true, false]
--> block b1, start handle hx1
Structured hex block:
IMIN/IMAX=0/#lat-1; JMIN/JMAX=0/#lon-1; KMIN/KMAX=0/#lev-1
Uses block b1
--> block b2, start handle he1
Note, I only define one of the variables for each given type (there
are a total of 128 in the file). In the table, so(x) denotes
sizeof(type x), while #y means # values in dimension y
Name | size type | size | data type | def val | storage type | units | Tag(value) |
long_name | var | -- | opaque | -- | sparse | -- | -- |
cell_meth | var | -- | opaque | -- | sparse | -- | -- |
P0 | fixed | so(dbl) | dbl | -1.0 | dense | hu8 | long_name(reference_pressure) |
date_wrtn | fixed | #chars | int | -1 | sparse | -- | |
mdt | fixed | so(int) | int | -1 | sparse | hu9 | long_name(timestep) |
nlon | fixed | #lat | int | -1 | sparse | -- | long_name(number of longitudes) |
ndcur | fixed | #time | int | -1 | sparse | hu7 | long_name(current day (since base day)) |
CLDHGH | fixed | #time | dbl | -1.0 | dense | hu10 | long_name(Vertically-integrated high cloud", cell_meth("time:mean") |
CMFMC | fixed | d(time) | dbl | -1.0 | dense | hu11 | long_name(Moist shallow convection mass flux), cell_meth("time:mean") |
source | var | -- | opaque | -- | sparse | -- |
Tag values: The following describes which entity(ies) each of the above tags is applied to; again, only a representative set are described,
Tag | Entity(ies) | # values/entity | notes |
P0, date_wrtn, mdt | Interface | 1 | global variables, scalars |
nlon | Interface | #lat | global attributes, 1D vector with dimension fixed |
ndcur | Interface | #time | global variable, 1D vector with unlimited dimension |
CLDHGH | quads q(lat,lon) bounding hexes hex(0,lat,lon) | #time | 1D vector with unlimited dimension |
CMFMC | vertices v(ilev,lat,lon) | #time | 1D vector with unlimited dimension |
source | Interface | 1 | global attribute |
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