
National Science Foundation OCI-1144061 (NSF)

Project Team Members:

Sentiment Service for Social Media Data


Social Media Data like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. is currently growing in an exploding speed. Understanding their sentiments could help us mine knowledge and capture their ideas without necessarily going through all data, which will save us a huge amount of time. Understanding their sentiments could help us mine knowledge and capture their ideas without necessarily going through all data, which will save us a huge amount of time. This web tool is developed for: [1 identifying language for input sentence:, 2: identifying sentiment input sentence.]. The experiment results on primary social media data like Facebook comments and twitter tweets show that we get highly accurate sentiment identification.


These data sets were introduced in the following papers:

Data Download:


Most files in the suite are self explanatory and include comments. For comments or questions on the dataset please contact, please
email us.

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